building physics

Building physics focusses on the design, planning and material choices that affect the embodied energy, solar radiation, glare, indoor sound quality, indoor temperature, relative humidity and other air pollutants and energy used to heat, cool and ventilate a building.

We expect our modern buildings to provide healthy indoor and outdoor climates, have a low carbon intensity and use less energy. Challengingly, unless we carefully consider the management of human generated water vapour, moisture and mould can form on interior and interstitial surfaces, creating unhealthy and less durable buildings

CARAWAH Building Physics utilise world leading simulation tools to inform:

  • the climatic design of the building
  • interior sound quality
  • eliminate condensation risk by assessing the flow of heat and moisture through the building envelope, and
  • mitigate surface and interstitial mould growth by simulating building envelope systems.


hygrothermal analysis

climate study